Heritage And Tourism
NMMZ is presently custodian of 137 National Monuments. Among these are outstanding monuments and World heritage Sites which are premier tourist attractions not comparable to any other sites throughout the world. These include the famous Victoria Falls (Mosi-o-Tunya-Smoke that Thunders), Great Zimbabwe, and Matobo Hills area. Monuments depict a variety of cultural and natural phenomena that together embody the history of man in Zimbabwe and his interaction with the environment. A number of National Monuments have been opened to support the tourism industry and therefore to generate the much needed foreign currency. Furthermore, other sites, artefacts and cultural symbols have been adopted by the corporate world, to identify products and services as truly Zimbabwean.
Some of the Most Popular Sites
- Victoria Falls
- Great Zimbabwe
- Matobo Hills Area
- Murewa Caves
- Tsindi Ruins
- Khami Ruins
- Domboshava Caves
- Ziwa National Monument
- Mutoko National Monument
- National Heroes Acre
- Chemavara Rock Art Site
- Dhlodhlo Ruins
- Nalatele Ruins
- Mzilikazi’s grave
- Italian Chapel
- Chiremba Balancing Rocks
- Diana’s Vow rock art site
- Old Bulawayo monument